about 3 years
ago -
Crater Creator
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Iron ore wasn’t eliminated because it was a “burden on the system.” And most recipes do require you to forge the iron before you can use it. Unforged you can make what, barbed wire and junk ammo?
I believe the last time it came up, Madmole’s response to ‘why fishing lures’ was that there simply aren’t many things you would plausibly find much of in trash that are made of lead. So long as it is fishing lures, we can hold out hope that they’re keeping them around to be a part of fishing, whenever they overhaul the water.
I believe the last time it came up, Madmole’s response to ‘why fishing lures’ was that there simply aren’t many things you would plausibly find much of in trash that are made of lead. So long as it is fishing lures, we can hold out hope that they’re keeping them around to be a part of fishing, whenever they overhaul the water.