over 2 years
ago -
Crater Creator
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Not exactly a base, and it’s more dependent on the placement of POIs than the biome. But yes, I make remote outposts. I guess I’d categorize what I do thusly.
Level 1: a storage chest in the middle of the street. The only purpose is storage, i.e. from the POIs nearby.
Level 2: like level 1, with walls added. No larger than 3x3 internal space. The purpose is storage, concealment, and a small measure of safety. I might quietly hunker down there for a night if I need to. If attacked, I have a little bit of time to mount a defense while they break through the wood. This stage also epitomizes the “I need to set up camp right here right now” scenario, in which case it may be built onto the side of a boulder.
Level 3: like level 2, with a forge and campfire added. Now it’s also a processing station, to convert raw materials I’ve accumulated into basic useful items. I might add a layer of spikes, and a roof to be fancy.
Level 1: a storage chest in the middle of the street. The only purpose is storage, i.e. from the POIs nearby.
Level 2: like level 1, with walls added. No larger than 3x3 internal space. The purpose is storage, concealment, and a small measure of safety. I might quietly hunker down there for a night if I need to. If attacked, I have a little bit of time to mount a defense while they break through the wood. This stage also epitomizes the “I need to set up camp right here right now” scenario, in which case it may be built onto the side of a boulder.
Level 3: like level 2, with a forge and campfire added. Now it’s also a processing station, to convert raw materials I’ve accumulated into basic useful items. I might add a layer of spikes, and a roof to be fancy.