almost 2 years ago - OzHawkeye - Direct link
Yeah, the issue I see with this as goatfish pointed out would be the owners of Residential Evil slapping TFP with a copyright violation nearly instantly it was released... hehe.
almost 2 years ago - OzHawkeye - Direct link
Yep, private modders are free to make mods like this, but TFP sure couldn't.
almost 2 years ago - OzHawkeye - Direct link
Originally posted by Ghostkeal: maybe they could attempt to finish the game before DLC, or maybe add some actual functioning gameplay to make it enjoyale

Odd, my game installation seems quite functional.
almost 2 years ago - OzHawkeye - Direct link
Originally posted by Ghostkeal:
Originally posted by OzHawkeye:
Odd, my game installation seems quite functional.
this game is buggy hell man lol. all im saying is asking for dlc when the game has been in early access for so long and still isnt close to finished is a bit silly.

Well, buggy is different from saying its non-functional, and personally, I agree, releasing DLC while still in EA isn't a good look.

I'd be interested to know what sort of bugs you're encountering though, as my (admittedly brief) playthrough of A20 didn't encounter much of any.