about 3 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
This is intentional.
about 3 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by player144: I think he means resetting the horde between 22:00-04:00 is intentional, which it should be, otherwise players can just cheat and skip it...
Yes. it is an intended mechanic. Say you join a MP server partway through a BM. This mechanic ensures you will get a horde after the primary MB horde calculations were already done.
about 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Tech Enthusiast: Certainly never has been like this before A20, but I don't mind. Free XP.
Day 7 Horde always ends around midnight, depending on how fast you can kill,... so getting a second horde is very welcome!
It's been like this since at the very least A16. Horde night officially lasts until 4am; However you can very much run out of zombies to kill depending on your game stage- Higher gamestage = more zombies to kill; And eventually unless you've got an ultra optimized base or killing hallway, you'll hit a point where you simply cannot kill the zombies fast enough to run out before 4am.
about 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Tech Enthusiast: You could run out of zombies, yes.
But the horde would not resume or respawn if you logged out and back in again.
I did 15+ runs in A19 and always log out after Horde night. Never had it spawn again on me when logging back in the day after. That is certainly new.
Well then..amusingly.. You had some kind of bug before, heh. Because it was very much a thing in A19. And A18..and A17. Not 100% sure about A16; More like 85%, But yeah. Definitely an older function than A20.