over 3 years
ago -
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I tell ya, I don't miss the grid system at all. I do miss the old assembly system though.
The developer is in a similar opinions, and is working on re-balancing loot considerably for a20.
Originally posted by JimmyIowa: I have been of the opinion that loot in general (rather than just guns) was made vastly over-plentiful in A17. In A16 and back you could loot an entire row of houses and find some pieces of paper, maybe some food, and a jar of water. After A17, every house has a mega hyper stash of fully assembled ultra-loot in it. It's like King Midas vomited all over the apocalypse. I wish they would scale it back a bit and return a little bit of survival to the mix.
The developer is in a similar opinions, and is working on re-balancing loot considerably for a20.