over 1 year ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Silhouette Fleur:
Originally posted by FT: Which zombie mechanics are you talking about dropping?
If you didn't already know, you can disable ZombieSpawns and HordeNights to have the world basically zed-free.

Huh, I actually didn't know this!

I just really don't like that they break all the blocks on me, I love building, the occasional zombie is fine but horde night is really quite mean, I'm sure folk enjoy it though.

Keeping up to date with some of the updates it just strikes me that the devs are trying to bite off a lot, and if they just focused more on the building stuff they'd still have a popular game.

Credit where it's due the P.O.Is are thoroughly amazing.
If horde night is your concern, there's a setting for specifically disabling the blood moon too, and not all zombies/enemies.