about 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Gambo:
Originally posted by ∪ω∪: It depends on the "heat" you generate in the area. I think the more gamestage you have, the more likely a screamer will spawn.

"Heat" is generated by performing actions, such as using forges, crafting items on the workbench, killing zombies, etc.

I did know that's how they work with heat and I've been running my forge/fires quite often but I think they probably nerfed them a bit. A19 it seemed they would spawn quite often after a few minutes of running anything with heat.
An important thing with activity generation is that there are breakpoints at which it becomes more severe- If you reach I think 70% activity, the activity stops decaying for a period of time- If you keep generating activity, you'll reach 100% in short order.

If your old base in A19 was constantly riding that threshold due to lighting/fighting/etc, then every time you've got the forges running, you'd see screamers. And doubly so if you fought those screamers off with loud weaponry/traps like shotgun/SMG turrets or any kind of firearms/explosives.

The louder and more obvious you're being, The more screamers you'll see.