over 2 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Mining isn't useless. Just mining certain materials make a LOT more activity than others. Iron, in particular. Pace your mining efforts, and you'll never run into a screamer.

If you must, turn on debug mode (f1, type dm, enter.) and then press F8 twice to bring up the debug info for activity- just dont let that number reach 100% and it wont spawn a screamer.

The reason you didnt run into an issue at first, and now are, is because you hit harder- higher quality tools, better tool tiers, better mods on your tools; and more frequently due to better stamina management options and the like. You're making activity faster than it can fade away which eventually summons a screamer- And you've set up no precautions to protect your venture.

And for the record, Screamers do NOT scream and summon more zombies unless they see the player. So if you can get the drop on them, you wont get a wave of zombies.