over 1 year
ago -
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Just a fair warning, The game's general difficulty, of zombies you encounter in general/in POI's/on horde nights is based on your player level- The higher your level the higher your gamestage and the more difficult/more numerous zombies you'll encounter.
So power leveling is perhaps a bit counter-intuitively a detriment to the player unless they know what they're doing- Which as a new player, you don't. Same thing for increasing exp gain via the save settings; 300% exp will certainly make you gain levels 3x faster, but it means difficulty ramps up 3x faster too and that can catch you off guard for sure.
This isn't to say you shouldn't powerlevel at all ever. Just, keep the above in mind and level in moderation.
So power leveling is perhaps a bit counter-intuitively a detriment to the player unless they know what they're doing- Which as a new player, you don't. Same thing for increasing exp gain via the save settings; 300% exp will certainly make you gain levels 3x faster, but it means difficulty ramps up 3x faster too and that can catch you off guard for sure.
This isn't to say you shouldn't powerlevel at all ever. Just, keep the above in mind and level in moderation.