over 1 year
ago -
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You're likely misunderstanding/not noticing the relation between food and the meters they fill.
The numbers on the left side above your health/stamina bars are your erh... 'Digesting' values; They're 1:1 with whatever you just ate and go down roughly 1 per second. eat something worth 50 hunger and 50 thirst, you'll get two values that start at 50 and tick down to 0.
These values fill your hunger/thirst meters with each tick down IF there is space to do so in the bar. You can see the hunger and thirst bars under the hot bar in green and blue, or view the hard values in your character menu.
So you've been overeating/overdrinking trying to keep the numbers on the left up when those are just consumed to fill the actual meters.
The numbers on the left side above your health/stamina bars are your erh... 'Digesting' values; They're 1:1 with whatever you just ate and go down roughly 1 per second. eat something worth 50 hunger and 50 thirst, you'll get two values that start at 50 and tick down to 0.
These values fill your hunger/thirst meters with each tick down IF there is space to do so in the bar. You can see the hunger and thirst bars under the hot bar in green and blue, or view the hard values in your character menu.
So you've been overeating/overdrinking trying to keep the numbers on the left up when those are just consumed to fill the actual meters.