almost 3 years
ago -
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The OP actually doesn't have any posts in the 7DTD steam forum; So whatever they posted was actually removed- Not merged, assuming it was posted here on the steam forum. I don't show any reports against this user in recent history.. So it's possible it's something that was removed by a steam moderator.
To the OP, If you could provide any information on the context or content of the post, How long ago it was made, Whether it was your own topic or posted in someone elses topic, etc, etc, I'll see if I can find the post in question.
Edit: Upon some cursory searching through recent posts, including through individual threads, I don't see anything by this user that has been deleted; So I will need the OP to provide additional info before being able to locate their errant post.
To the OP, If you could provide any information on the context or content of the post, How long ago it was made, Whether it was your own topic or posted in someone elses topic, etc, etc, I'll see if I can find the post in question.
Edit: Upon some cursory searching through recent posts, including through individual threads, I don't see anything by this user that has been deleted; So I will need the OP to provide additional info before being able to locate their errant post.