about 2 years
ago -
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The giant bees were replaced with vultures in like.. Alpha 13? 14? Somewhere back then. Been awhile.
If you're seeing other top tier weapons like the M60, steel weapons/tools, etc, You're at the point where SMGs should be spawning. RNG is, however, going to RNG. Just because it Can spawn, doesn't mean it Will. A Q6 weapon isn't that much of an improvement over a Q5 anyway, so I wouldn't stress too much over it. You'll find it eventually.
If you're seeing other top tier weapons like the M60, steel weapons/tools, etc, You're at the point where SMGs should be spawning. RNG is, however, going to RNG. Just because it Can spawn, doesn't mean it Will. A Q6 weapon isn't that much of an improvement over a Q5 anyway, so I wouldn't stress too much over it. You'll find it eventually.