over 2 years ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
It may be hard to diagnose from the description, but one thing that stands out is how the dogs will go to you while the bipedal zombies won't. As I recall, dogs can fit through one-voxel-high gaps while most humanoid zombies will need two voxels of space. When people mention pathing problems with stairs, I always advise them to check the clearance. Do the zombies have plenty of head room above them for your whole path in?
over 2 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Medallions: Its just stairs to a 3 x 3 with a door thats wide open. I just made stairs to a door on a roof so they can come up on the roof so the fight would be there. But no zombies would come up. I had maybe 4 all together that wondered up and i killed them but all the rest just stayed down on the ground beating the building i was in. The beware of dogs trailer with mines around fence. They had a perfect set of stairs to easily walk up and come onto the roof with me but they only saw the building i was in as the enemy. Dogs were just really aggressive and just ran straight for me but the others just wanted the stairs and building. Had to just shoot them while they were on the ground. They just dont act right to where they're no fun anymore. Maybe to many ppl cheesing them making devs change them to not even use the stairs lol IDK
Which kind of stairs?

The railed stair blocks are actually 2 blocks high- Not one. And zombies perceive the world in terms of block spaces occupied before they consider shapes- So if you're using the railed stairs, they could well be considering it to be a 2 block tall wall rather than as a staircase, and opting to use other methods of approaching you since that one doesn't appear 'at first glance' to be a valid path.
over 2 years ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
Originally posted by Corrosion:
Originally posted by Crater Creator: It may be hard to diagnose from the description, but one thing that stands out is how the dogs will go to you while the bipedal zombies won't. As I recall, dogs can fit through one-voxel-high gaps while most humanoid zombies will need two voxels of space. When people mention pathing problems with stairs, I always advise them to check the clearance. Do the zombies have plenty of head room above them for your whole path in?
Then don't you think stairs should be given an exception? Seems pretty straight forward

What would that even mean? Zombies ignore collision with ceilings, and their heads just interpenetrate the ceiling (in which case they can’t be shot)? Or they keep the collision but ignore ceilings for pathing, so they get stuck in place when their heads can’t fit? Or redo a bunch of animations so zombies duck their heads under low ceilings while climbing? I suppose that one may be the most viable, but I wouldn’t call it straightforward. Not to mention as others are pointing out, there are a lot of shapes players can and do use to function as stairs, beyond the ones that are called stairs. So I wouldn’t be so quick to shun the work that’s already gone into dynamically recognizing when there’s not enough clearance to take a given path.