almost 2 years
ago -
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To clear some things up, The blood moon does not work on 'waves'.
There is a setting called "Blood Moon Count" that determines how many zombies are allowed to be alive at any one time during the horde night. For sake of example, we'll say 8.
What this means is that, at any given time during the horde night, there will be 8 zombies alive. If you kill 1, 1 will instantly spawn about 50-80 meters away from you and path towards your location. If you kill 6, 6 more will instantly spawn about 50-80 meters away and path to you. In short, They immediately respawn as you kill them.
From there, There is a hidden value based on your Game Stage that determines how many total zombies will spawn over the course of the night. For sake of example, let's say 100 zombies. That means as you kill zombies, 8 will be alive at any given time until you have killed 92 of them, at which point when you kill the 93rd-100th there will NOT be a replacement respawn, as you've exhausted the spawn counter.
This hidden value can absolutely get large enough that you'll be incapable of exhausting it before 4am; and the blood moon ends at 4 am regardless of whether or not you've cleared that counter. But clearing the counter before 4am will 'end' the blood moon early.
Beware, though, if you log out before 4am, when you log back in, it begins again as if you hadn't done the horde night before; This is a failsafe against crashes/users abusing it by logging out/etc.)
There is a setting called "Blood Moon Count" that determines how many zombies are allowed to be alive at any one time during the horde night. For sake of example, we'll say 8.
What this means is that, at any given time during the horde night, there will be 8 zombies alive. If you kill 1, 1 will instantly spawn about 50-80 meters away from you and path towards your location. If you kill 6, 6 more will instantly spawn about 50-80 meters away and path to you. In short, They immediately respawn as you kill them.
From there, There is a hidden value based on your Game Stage that determines how many total zombies will spawn over the course of the night. For sake of example, let's say 100 zombies. That means as you kill zombies, 8 will be alive at any given time until you have killed 92 of them, at which point when you kill the 93rd-100th there will NOT be a replacement respawn, as you've exhausted the spawn counter.
This hidden value can absolutely get large enough that you'll be incapable of exhausting it before 4am; and the blood moon ends at 4 am regardless of whether or not you've cleared that counter. But clearing the counter before 4am will 'end' the blood moon early.
Beware, though, if you log out before 4am, when you log back in, it begins again as if you hadn't done the horde night before; This is a failsafe against crashes/users abusing it by logging out/etc.)