over 1 year
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Pretty sure they'll "Fix" farming the way you describe the same day they make the crops have 60-120+ day growing cycles, have to be watered, deweeded, depested, and must be regularly cared for in general to produce a harvest.
There's a lot more that goes into growing a plant than just dumping a seed into the ground.
You get to skip over all the necessary work to get a grown crop, And you get returns in 3 ingame days; The price of that is that you have to spend some of your crop yield on getting more seeds to plant,
So long as crops have no effort required beyond planting and harvest time, It's not likely to ever give you more seeds than are needed to replant at Most; and in such a way that the decision to grow the size of your farm requires you to make the decision to sacrifice part of the harvest to grow more. Otherwise you get infinite exponential growth- One crop yields 5 seeds, yields 5 crops yields 25 seeds, yields 25 crops yields 125 seeds... That's not any kind of good if you want any semblance of balance.
There's a lot more that goes into growing a plant than just dumping a seed into the ground.
You get to skip over all the necessary work to get a grown crop, And you get returns in 3 ingame days; The price of that is that you have to spend some of your crop yield on getting more seeds to plant,
So long as crops have no effort required beyond planting and harvest time, It's not likely to ever give you more seeds than are needed to replant at Most; and in such a way that the decision to grow the size of your farm requires you to make the decision to sacrifice part of the harvest to grow more. Otherwise you get infinite exponential growth- One crop yields 5 seeds, yields 5 crops yields 25 seeds, yields 25 crops yields 125 seeds... That's not any kind of good if you want any semblance of balance.