about 2 years
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Big Tip: Avoid the zombies till you have a method of curing; And when you get infected, let it linger awhile just in case you would get reinfected right away.
IE, If you have honey, it heals 5%, so don't cure until 4%~; This way any hits that would immediately reinfect you instead will get added to the existing % of infection letting you potentially stretch your reserves much further.
If you're just chilling at base though may as well just cure it.
A further tip, Get some kind of armor ASAP- More armor is more critical resistance which means less infections. Also, Just dont get hit in the first place- The first hit after a lengthy period of not being hit is always free- That first hit after a period of no damage taken has a 0% chance of any critical effects. So, Avoid getting hit as much as possible.
IE, If you have honey, it heals 5%, so don't cure until 4%~; This way any hits that would immediately reinfect you instead will get added to the existing % of infection letting you potentially stretch your reserves much further.
If you're just chilling at base though may as well just cure it.
A further tip, Get some kind of armor ASAP- More armor is more critical resistance which means less infections. Also, Just dont get hit in the first place- The first hit after a lengthy period of not being hit is always free- That first hit after a period of no damage taken has a 0% chance of any critical effects. So, Avoid getting hit as much as possible.