almost 3 years
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Red Eagle LXIX
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Did you update your configuration?
Originally posted by The Fun Pimps: Hello everyone!
While the majority of the team is heavy at work on Alpha 21, we are excited to give you A20.4 b42 stable today!
Server owners will need to add/modify these 2 new properties in the serverconfig.xml. These filters will help players find your server.
Values must be one of the following:
NorthAmericaEast, NorthAmericaWest, CentralAmerica, SouthAmerica, Europe, Russia, Asia, MiddleEast, Africa, Oceania
Values: Use any language name that your players would expect to search for. Should be the English name of the language, e.g. not "Deutsch" but "German". This is a filter name only and DOES NOT SET the language for players.
If no region is entered on the server end, you will not be able to find the server.
For everyone who played EXP:
There is no change between b41 and b42, we just had to adjust the buildnumber.