over 2 years
ago -
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Every primary weapon skill, regardless of what it doesn't say, ONLY affects the primary weapon type it is for. Pistols and smg are only affected by pistol skills, rifles by rifle skills, automatic weapons by automatic weapons, demolitions only affects actual explosives- not explosive ammo, and so on.
Not a single primary weapon skill affects any other weapon class. You can't be cheeky and upgrade rifle skills to bolster the damage of an automatic weapon with a single shot mod on it, you can't upgrade automatic weapons to boost the power of an SMG, etc, etc.
If they had to write this down in every description, It would just be word vomit copy pasted over 20 descriptions.
So what they did instead is add lists to the skills that are exceptions to the general rule of "This only applies to one weapon class".
EG: The Penetrator perk; Notes that the armor reduction applies to 'Firearms and Archery'; But that the penetration aspect of it only applies to the Rifle class weapons, The hunting, lever action, and sniper rifles.
Sexual Trex specifically says it reduces Melee and Tool stamina usage as it applies to all forms of melee and tool, not just the strength specific melee weapons or tools.
Flurry of Blows specifically cites that it applies to One handed weapons; Not just agility weaponsl; and further covers that it applies to clubs, brawling, knives, machetes, and stun batons just to make sure there's no confusion.
Not a single primary weapon skill affects any other weapon class. You can't be cheeky and upgrade rifle skills to bolster the damage of an automatic weapon with a single shot mod on it, you can't upgrade automatic weapons to boost the power of an SMG, etc, etc.
If they had to write this down in every description, It would just be word vomit copy pasted over 20 descriptions.
So what they did instead is add lists to the skills that are exceptions to the general rule of "This only applies to one weapon class".
EG: The Penetrator perk; Notes that the armor reduction applies to 'Firearms and Archery'; But that the penetration aspect of it only applies to the Rifle class weapons, The hunting, lever action, and sniper rifles.
Sexual Trex specifically says it reduces Melee and Tool stamina usage as it applies to all forms of melee and tool, not just the strength specific melee weapons or tools.
Flurry of Blows specifically cites that it applies to One handed weapons; Not just agility weaponsl; and further covers that it applies to clubs, brawling, knives, machetes, and stun batons just to make sure there's no confusion.