over 1 year
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The first hit taken after a decent period of time out of an encounter should be injury free.
Beyond that first hit, the chances for injury rack up the more hits you take in succession. If you're not pausing to wait for a minute after each fight to loot or whatever, then you're basically carrying your injury chances from fight to fight and never letting it reset.
Armor also matters a LOT. No armor at all and you'll be taking injuries from what feels like every single hit, even plain padded armor which isn't hard to make makes it WAY better.
And, of course, Don't get hit to begin with and there won't be any injuries. Easier said than done, but if you're careful it's not impossible to clear even a T5 POI without getting hit more than a handful of times at most.
Beyond that first hit, the chances for injury rack up the more hits you take in succession. If you're not pausing to wait for a minute after each fight to loot or whatever, then you're basically carrying your injury chances from fight to fight and never letting it reset.
Armor also matters a LOT. No armor at all and you'll be taking injuries from what feels like every single hit, even plain padded armor which isn't hard to make makes it WAY better.
And, of course, Don't get hit to begin with and there won't be any injuries. Easier said than done, but if you're careful it's not impossible to clear even a T5 POI without getting hit more than a handful of times at most.