over 2 years
ago -
Crater Creator
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Originally posted by Pingus Crack Pipe: I can't imagine they would just leave it how it is, at this rate the zombie's will start to look more human than the player character's lol
I hear you. However, it’s very plausible that the solution will be… no more character creation. It’s plausible that things like eyebrows have been broken for years because in the end, choosing your eyebrows won’t be a thing the game supports anyway.
I believe it was Madmole on the official forum who talked about how you barely see your character anyway: that what you see is mostly the character’s clothes/armor. So the smarter use of resources, the logic goes, is to make the clothes/armor look good.
I’ve advocated for keeping the character creation, because it’s a big source of entertainment for me. But, just based on public information, I see the writing on the wall.