almost 4 years
ago -
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For a long time they didn't have a good AI developer on the team- So they largely left it on the back end. With Faatal on the team, he's been doing some sweeping changes to the main AI; Once the main AI is in a great place, he'll be able to fork it to create additional things like bandits or friendlies.
Forking prior to the main AI being in a great place essentially just doubles your workload, because you have to fix things in two places not one; And worse, because it's growing in two different ways, the things that need fixing and the way they get fixed wouldn't be identical.
So far as I know, it's still planned- Just pending current things being completed first.
Forking prior to the main AI being in a great place essentially just doubles your workload, because you have to fix things in two places not one; And worse, because it's growing in two different ways, the things that need fixing and the way they get fixed wouldn't be identical.
So far as I know, it's still planned- Just pending current things being completed first.