almost 2 years
ago -
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Well, of course you can walk away from the game, and if you're that upset with it (and I can understand why you would be) a break may from it be the best thing for you.
In case you want to know why it happened, it's because the way 7dtd saves the game is continuous, small reads and write to the game file. It does this, because the save file can get so huge (over 1gb+) for longer games, that to save it all at once, would lock up the client for a good few minutes while the write took place.
To avoid this very unwanted situation, it's a large series of very small read and writes. The problem with that though is if the game is catastrophically shut, a power outage being the very worst that can happen. The game file is open, the file may even be in the middle of being written to when the power is lost, and subsequent corruption of the file is highly likely.
It sux when it happens, but there's not much that can be done about that, given the way the saves happen.
As for your lost gear and level, there's ways to quickly get all that back via the console, and if you're interested in doing that, turn cheat mode on, and use the item menu (should be U) to give yourself all the gear you lost. You could also then edit the progression.xml file to give yourself a huge amount of skill points per level to recover very quickly the lost skill points (like, literally you could give yourself 100 skill points just for going up 1 level).
In case you want to know why it happened, it's because the way 7dtd saves the game is continuous, small reads and write to the game file. It does this, because the save file can get so huge (over 1gb+) for longer games, that to save it all at once, would lock up the client for a good few minutes while the write took place.
To avoid this very unwanted situation, it's a large series of very small read and writes. The problem with that though is if the game is catastrophically shut, a power outage being the very worst that can happen. The game file is open, the file may even be in the middle of being written to when the power is lost, and subsequent corruption of the file is highly likely.
It sux when it happens, but there's not much that can be done about that, given the way the saves happen.
As for your lost gear and level, there's ways to quickly get all that back via the console, and if you're interested in doing that, turn cheat mode on, and use the item menu (should be U) to give yourself all the gear you lost. You could also then edit the progression.xml file to give yourself a huge amount of skill points per level to recover very quickly the lost skill points (like, literally you could give yourself 100 skill points just for going up 1 level).