about 2 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Las: Hating or loving A21 (or anything for that matter) before even trying it has always seemed weird to me. As much as I harp on TFP and the game direction, I'll never love or hate a pre-release unnecessarily just for the sake of how I THINK it might turn out because those opinions can easily change either way.

I didn't like how A16 sounded at first and it turned out to be great. I couldn't wait for A17 and it turned out great. Couldn't wait for A18 and it was a disaster. When they first mentioned changing the skill system I liked the idea at first, but now I hate because it's too easy. I was excited about A19 and it met expectations. A20 looked good at first but the more I played it the less I liked it. The drone idea sounded intriguing at first but it constantly gets in your way which is annoying as hell.

My point is, I've learned over the years to reserve judgement, for or against. until you play it for a while.
Yep- Whether you think you'll like it or hate it, try first, decide after. I've seen very few people overtly convinced they will love it- The few that I've seen who have specifically professed they probably will like it have in the same message expressed that they're withholding final judgement for when they actually get to try it personally. They're hopeful, but reserved.

The same has, generally, not been true for the haters, though; The haters I've seen are, by and large, absolutely 100% convinced they're going to hate it, and most are planning to mod it out immediately/wait for someone else to mod it out and get their mod before even launching A21. Others who aren't planning to mod it out plan on just opting into A20 and refusing to touch A21, etc, etc.

But yeah, generally, try it before you decide you love/hate it. And give it a genuine chance- Play for a couple play sessions with the changes, don't just accept that initial knee jerk reaction whether it's love or hate.