about 3 years
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Orrrrr.... You could do things without obsessing over steel. Get what steel you can from salvaging relevant steel giving items to use for crafts, and not stress over upgrading your base into an over-built steel monstrosity when you can survive just fine with concrete. Just sayin.
People seem to think many things are 'Needed' when they really aren't. You can absolutely survive till day 100+ without ever making a forge/workbench/chem station or obtaining a crucible/beaker. Is it nice to get those things? Sure- Do those things make it easier? Absolutely....But they are not Needed.
People seem to think many things are 'Needed' when they really aren't. You can absolutely survive till day 100+ without ever making a forge/workbench/chem station or obtaining a crucible/beaker. Is it nice to get those things? Sure- Do those things make it easier? Absolutely....But they are not Needed.