over 2 years
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1. Not for 8-12 players. Especially on Windows. Setting affinity to only use the physical cores, or running headless Linux will improve things, but that is a pretty dated CPU with abysmal multi-threading support. 4-6 should be ok.
2. Not as bad as the client, but it will have some impact.
3. Your CPU won't keep up with a NVMe. If your motherboard is from the same era, it likely only supports m.2 SSD which won't be notably faster than a sata SSD. If you had a newer motherboard that does actually support NVMe, you're still limited by the CPU architecture so the results won't be huge. Would be better off to just match the SSD with another one and put them in RAID-0. Same performance for less cost.
2. Not as bad as the client, but it will have some impact.
3. Your CPU won't keep up with a NVMe. If your motherboard is from the same era, it likely only supports m.2 SSD which won't be notably faster than a sata SSD. If you had a newer motherboard that does actually support NVMe, you're still limited by the CPU architecture so the results won't be huge. Would be better off to just match the SSD with another one and put them in RAID-0. Same performance for less cost.