almost 2 years
ago -
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Whole computer crashing is a computer issue. You aren't clear though because you stated the game is crashing, then the PC is crashing. Need clarification.
Please read the Pinned threads in the Support section. (where your post was moved to)
Especially the one about how to report an issue.
Can't really do much with such a lack of information. Running on a 3900x with a 6800XT here. No issues. Have a 5950x I've tested on as well.
Please read the Pinned threads in the Support section. (where your post was moved to)
Especially the one about how to report an issue.
Can't really do much with such a lack of information. Running on a 3900x with a 6800XT here. No issues. Have a 5950x I've tested on as well.