over 1 year
ago -
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The existing console version unfortunately will never be updated. The publisher, Telltale Games, went under and one of their last-ditch get-out-of-bankruptcy-quick moves was to officially release the console version of the game in the hopes of getting a bit of extra cash inflow.
Unfortunately, it didn't help them- They still went bankrupt. And doubly unfortunately, Both the Microsoft Store and Sony Playstation store prohibit officially released games from releasing updates that would break save compatibility with any existing saves... And, most unfortunately, every major version of 7DTD since breaks save compatibility from the version before it.
So, they literally can't update the console version to the current version, the console store rules say no.. As such, they're focusing on a re-release that will be in-line with the PC version, but not likely to be available on PS4- Instead it'll likely be PS5/XBONE.
Bit more info here:
Unfortunately, it didn't help them- They still went bankrupt. And doubly unfortunately, Both the Microsoft Store and Sony Playstation store prohibit officially released games from releasing updates that would break save compatibility with any existing saves... And, most unfortunately, every major version of 7DTD since breaks save compatibility from the version before it.
So, they literally can't update the console version to the current version, the console store rules say no.. As such, they're focusing on a re-release that will be in-line with the PC version, but not likely to be available on PS4- Instead it'll likely be PS5/XBONE.
Bit more info here: