over 2 years
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Mining most things gives xp returns based on material yield.
Crafting certain things yields exp; But it has a falloff, each time you craft something that does give exp the exp gained is halved until it gives nothing.
Looting gives xp returns based on loot gained; EG: Searching trash and finding nothing gives no exp, searching trash and finding duct tape might give 50.
Killing zombies: Base zombie is 400exp iirc, feral is 750, radiated is 900; Large type zombies like the biker and big mama give extra exp compared to a base zombie, a non-feral large will give 750 for example.
Buying and Selling things to the trader gives exp.
Hunting gives a small amount of exp; I think harvesting the corpse also does?
Completing trader quests gives exp.
Certain things also boost exp gain like the nerdy glasses +10%, and the Grandpa's learnin elixer that boosts exp gains by 20% iirc.
Crafting certain things yields exp; But it has a falloff, each time you craft something that does give exp the exp gained is halved until it gives nothing.
Looting gives xp returns based on loot gained; EG: Searching trash and finding nothing gives no exp, searching trash and finding duct tape might give 50.
Killing zombies: Base zombie is 400exp iirc, feral is 750, radiated is 900; Large type zombies like the biker and big mama give extra exp compared to a base zombie, a non-feral large will give 750 for example.
Buying and Selling things to the trader gives exp.
Hunting gives a small amount of exp; I think harvesting the corpse also does?
Completing trader quests gives exp.
Certain things also boost exp gain like the nerdy glasses +10%, and the Grandpa's learnin elixer that boosts exp gains by 20% iirc.