over 2 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Mining most things gives xp returns based on material yield.
Crafting certain things yields exp; But it has a falloff, each time you craft something that does give exp the exp gained is halved until it gives nothing.
Looting gives xp returns based on loot gained; EG: Searching trash and finding nothing gives no exp, searching trash and finding duct tape might give 50.
Killing zombies: Base zombie is 400exp iirc, feral is 750, radiated is 900; Large type zombies like the biker and big mama give extra exp compared to a base zombie, a non-feral large will give 750 for example.
Buying and Selling things to the trader gives exp.
Hunting gives a small amount of exp; I think harvesting the corpse also does?
Completing trader quests gives exp.

Certain things also boost exp gain like the nerdy glasses +10%, and the Grandpa's learnin elixer that boosts exp gains by 20% iirc.
over 2 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Sonata:
Originally posted by ProxyJames: there are already like 20 of these

I haven't found anything that lists xp amounts... even the wiki doesn't show xp for zombies. I'm aware of *how* you gain xp, this isn't another "how do I level faster" question post, sorry for the confusion.
Unfortuantely, afaik, what gives how much exp is in the engine; Not in the xml. So it's not something we can just look at. All you can really do is test it out in game for most things.

Buying/selling from trader gives exp based on dukes spent/earned; Not sure if it's 1:1 or not.
Loot exp is entirely based on what you got from looting; So it's really hard to pin down what gives how much exp; You'd be better spending an hour looting n shooting, count the zombie kills and subtract the exp from the total gain to see how much exp you get from looting for an hour.

Mining, like looting, is on a material gained basis; So you'll have to test out how much exp you get per whack, with which tool, and with which rank of it's associated perk; Find the baseline and the maximum.

Trader quests list how much exp they give when you turn them in; so you just need to accept each quest type in each tier and complete them to find out at turn-in time.

Crafting exp will be annoying since not everything gives exp when crafted. So you'll have to craft everything and pay attention when you craft it to see if it gave exp or not; since there's diminishing returns you might have to start several new test worlds to verify the exp result.

Also; while you're at it..make sure you're doing all the testing on 100% exp. :) Doesn't do people much good if you have it set higher or lower than default.