almost 2 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
I remember Joel being quite positive about Alpha 15 being the last Alpha. I believe that was around Alpha 13 or 14 when he said it.

Back in 2018/2019 they were also very clear that Gold was just around the corner, and estimated it would just be in a year or two.

IMHO, with the current state of development, I can see it happening realistically by the end of 2024 or 2025. They're finally getting to the point where the core features of the game required for their vision and the Kickstarter goals are all falling into place.
almost 2 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by V3kta:
Originally posted by Pain Weasel: I think you are missing the point. It isn't that the name of the phase does anything in and of itself, but rather that the focus of development in each specific phase is, or at least should be, different.

Alpha is typically where you see those core changes and addition of features, whereas beta would be geared towards bug fixing, refinement and optimization. If you want an end to feature overhauls and a focus on optimization then you should be hoping that development leaves alpha soon because that would indicate the devs are satisfied with the features (more or less) and working on fixing bugs and optimizing to get ready for launch.

That would be the optimal path of course. But most people in these forums don't mean that. Maybe OP meant it differently, but most people here start discussions because they literally mean "take Alpha status away, it will make the game better".
In this case the OP would be using the term "Golden" as the game "going gold". Which means finished. Final release.

Originally posted by Blacksp3ll:
Originally posted by STDRandom Lead: Do you remember this little thing called covid that affected the worlds workforces?

Sure, but it was only for a short time. Other Games came out by now and where made wile Corvid its not impossible.
No, it's still very much still happening. At least in the US where people are trying desperately to pretend it isn't.