almost 2 years
ago -
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Just because something is 'Fine' doesn't mean it can't be Better. Alot of guys say "I'm fine" when asked how they are, but statistically, Most of them are actually very much NOT fine and just masking their problems with a strong facade.
"Fine" and "A balanced gameplay experience" aren't mutually exclusive. You can have one without the other, or both at the same time.
Water was 'Fine'. Except it was 'Fine' in the way that after about 30 minutes in a new save, You never had to worry about water ever again- In a survival game where food and water are supposed to be some kind of ongoing challenge to, yknow, your survival, and where your save can last HUNDREDS of days if you want it to..
It was 'Fine' in that it 'technically worked'....
But it was NOT a balanced gameplay experience. It was patently, and potently, imbalanced in the players favor to the extent that even newbies to the genre never had problems acquiring water. That's not a good thing for a survival game.
"Fine" and "A balanced gameplay experience" aren't mutually exclusive. You can have one without the other, or both at the same time.
Water was 'Fine'. Except it was 'Fine' in the way that after about 30 minutes in a new save, You never had to worry about water ever again- In a survival game where food and water are supposed to be some kind of ongoing challenge to, yknow, your survival, and where your save can last HUNDREDS of days if you want it to..
It was 'Fine' in that it 'technically worked'....
But it was NOT a balanced gameplay experience. It was patently, and potently, imbalanced in the players favor to the extent that even newbies to the genre never had problems acquiring water. That's not a good thing for a survival game.