about 3 years
ago -
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Amusingly, this change IS the middle ground between the old-old, and the old-new; The old-new is what you're calling the 'old' way.
It used to be that crops would be removed from the world when harvested, you had to replant 100% of the time and you didnt get any seeds when harvesting- You had to spend your crops 100% of the time to craft new seeds. Then they changed it to the A18/A19 system, so that crops would remain planted when harvested, but would yield much less crop in return.
And now we have a middle ground, Where you have to replant, but you get seeds back 50% of the time.
I'm sure it might be tweaked, but, May not be in the way you might like.
It used to be that crops would be removed from the world when harvested, you had to replant 100% of the time and you didnt get any seeds when harvesting- You had to spend your crops 100% of the time to craft new seeds. Then they changed it to the A18/A19 system, so that crops would remain planted when harvested, but would yield much less crop in return.
And now we have a middle ground, Where you have to replant, but you get seeds back 50% of the time.
I'm sure it might be tweaked, but, May not be in the way you might like.