over 1 year ago - Shurenai - Direct link
I think you're putting excessive emphasis on a single skill for no particularly good reason- And I though the same about Sexy T-rex.

It's(sexy rex) not as necessary as people were convinced it was- I almost never took sexy trex and manged quite well in A20 and earlier (and by 'almost never' I mean I only took it when I was specializing in strength, and in particular on the sledgehammer because dear god it uses SO much stamina.).

And I haven't taken iron gut in A21 either, and never had any particular issues- Even down at 50% loot.

Being below 100% food/thirst is not the end of the world. Just because you have a stam regen debuff doesn't mean you suddenly can't do anything either. Even the guy in the other thread who was down at 6 max stamina and thought he was just waiting for his death discovered it's not game over right away- The situation was salvagable without taking a death, even if it would have been a pain to do so.

IMO, You don't actually NEED any skill in the game. Not even the weapon boosts. Do they help? Sometimes they help alot even? Sure. But they aren't required for you to make it to the next day, Or the day after, or to beat your first horde night, or the second or the third.

Just my thoughts, I spose. Food and water are rougher, but I haven't felt like 'omg if I don't have iron gut I'm just going to die over and over again to hunger/thirst', or anything even close to it.