Originally posted by Henry: I guess this depends on playstyle. I play sneaky crossbow archer and went very carefull in that room the first time. I noticed the ground is breaking and moved (in slight panic) towards the stair as I thought it cannot break. This was true. So I sat up there, sleepers still sleeping and could easily snipe them one after the other.
Also there is big red warning light above the door you enter that room. That SHOULD give a hint.
My point is. It is possible to survive that even without knowing what awaits you. Just by entering a room slowly, watching, listening. This does NOT mean I havent been cought by such traps in other buildings. But those are not that severe.
So if you move carefully in rooms you don't know AND you have proper equipment (armor, weapons) you should be fine in POIs you don't know.
I admit that I first hated the mechanic of breaking floor traps. But after I adapted to them I don't care any more. And if I fall through them in new POI's its a "welcome" surprise which creates some tension and adrenaline.
But I can understand both sides. People who hate them and people who like them. The easiest "solution" would be a game setting where you tell the game wether you want to play with such traps or not. If the trap is going to go off it just checks if it should do it.
There is in fact a skill in game that essentially forms the middleground between the two without just blanket removing traps from the game for people that don't like it.
The Infiltrator skill in Perception. Rank one makes floor traps and landmines trigger a half second slower; Two ranks is 1 second, 3 is 1.5 seconds, 4 is 2 seconds.. All five ranks reduce trip mine damage; The fifth rank also allows you to pick up trip mines.
Just one or two ranks of this can make it so you never fall through a trap floor or get caught by a mine again as long as you're paying attention- You just have to realize and either back up off the trap flooring, Or commit to going through your room and finding a safe place to stand.