almost 2 years
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Moderator note. Keep the discussion civil. These threads have a tendency to get shut down because you do not.
On-topic, what exactly makes it unfair?
Like is it unfair that a game is revealed at a conference with video showing gameplay, but you still can't buy it for another year or two because of production delays?
This is even less offensive than that. Streamers get access less than three days before everyone else. The purpose is to build excitement for the release of experimental.
And let's be clear here. It isn't even a stable build. It's a buggy experimental build.
On-topic, what exactly makes it unfair?
Like is it unfair that a game is revealed at a conference with video showing gameplay, but you still can't buy it for another year or two because of production delays?
This is even less offensive than that. Streamers get access less than three days before everyone else. The purpose is to build excitement for the release of experimental.
And let's be clear here. It isn't even a stable build. It's a buggy experimental build.