over 1 year
ago -
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Blocks are cheaper to make and upgrade so it's easier to make larger/fancier bases. Repairs are more expensive because they can be done even while an enemy is beating on the block, and are only done to blocks which have been damaged to begin with- Which means they're blocks in defensive positions that a player will want to repair asap in most cases.
Conversely, placed and upgraded blocks are frequently in places where they'll never get beat on- Which again is leaning towards larger/fancier bases.
They absolutely could unify the two values, Split it down the middle- But then larger/fancier bases become more of a pain to make, and repairing becomes significantly cheaper and so much more of a non-issue. Personally, I prefer it how it is.
Conversely, placed and upgraded blocks are frequently in places where they'll never get beat on- Which again is leaning towards larger/fancier bases.
They absolutely could unify the two values, Split it down the middle- But then larger/fancier bases become more of a pain to make, and repairing becomes significantly cheaper and so much more of a non-issue. Personally, I prefer it how it is.