about 3 years
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Originally posted by ⚜ JOST AMMAN ⚜:Originally posted by RasaNova: I don't know about that particular desire, but it does bring up some possibilities. I'd love to see an occasional unusual/unexpected event, good or bad, with potential risk and reward. (As a selectable option, of course...)The much hated Twitch integration is actually a stepping stone for the "event director" they'd like to add to 7D2D. Basically, all the infrastructure to create random events is in there, they will then need to add some kind of AI which will decide what to throw at you depending on your situation.
I think if they get that rabbit out of the hat the game will become so much exciting and challenging. :spaz2excited:
That’s a good point. For anyone whose eyes glazed over whenever ‘Twitch stuff’ was mentioned, events like this are probably closer to happening than they would think.