over 2 years
ago -
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You're the second person in a week or so to have this happen to them- And the second person I've ever heard do this. Most people tend to just break the windows with a tool or weapon depending on the next task on the docket (harvesting stuff, or fighting zombies).
I do agree though it probably shouldn't be usable with a click in your tool belt the same way it is usable from the inventory. But I'm not sure they can do that without just making it entirely unusable.
You're the second person in a week or so to have this happen to them- And the second person I've ever heard do this. Most people tend to just break the windows with a tool or weapon depending on the next task on the docket (harvesting stuff, or fighting zombies).
I do agree though it probably shouldn't be usable with a click in your tool belt the same way it is usable from the inventory. But I'm not sure they can do that without just making it entirely unusable.