over 2 years
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Precious few games make you use the restroom, let alone survival games; Most are on accelerated timescales, typically 1:24- So you'd be stopping to pee like every 15-30 minutes.
It's realistic, yes- But it's also a tedious annoyance that doesn't have any particularly meaningful impact except to constantly interrupt the gameplay loop.
You can stop to pee literally anywhere- You can stop to poop literally anywhere. There's no difficulty or challenge to be had or imparted. You're not going to 'didn't pee enough' yourself to death.
Food, on the other hand.. Food isn't always available. Starvation is a very real threat. Dehydration is a very real threat. Hyper and hypothermia are very real threats- All of them can, and will, kill you if untended, and you can't just put them off or auto-solve them anywhere in any situation.
Hygiene COULD have interesting gameplay impacts; But, again, it's typically not really going to do much besides interrupt the gameplay loop for no significant gain in gameplay value.
Likewise, Sleep is going to interrupt the gameplay loop for what is in most cases no significant gain. People want it to skip night time- But night time is something that can be, and has been, made into a significant gameplay affecting thing- Night time existing is more valuable to the gameloop than sleeping through the night. It impresses a time crunch that you need to get things done before night fall; To have plans for what to do over night if you're going to hide away, etc...Sleep is just sleep, go back to base and click a button.
It's realistic, yes- But it's also a tedious annoyance that doesn't have any particularly meaningful impact except to constantly interrupt the gameplay loop.
You can stop to pee literally anywhere- You can stop to poop literally anywhere. There's no difficulty or challenge to be had or imparted. You're not going to 'didn't pee enough' yourself to death.
Food, on the other hand.. Food isn't always available. Starvation is a very real threat. Dehydration is a very real threat. Hyper and hypothermia are very real threats- All of them can, and will, kill you if untended, and you can't just put them off or auto-solve them anywhere in any situation.
Hygiene COULD have interesting gameplay impacts; But, again, it's typically not really going to do much besides interrupt the gameplay loop for no significant gain in gameplay value.
Likewise, Sleep is going to interrupt the gameplay loop for what is in most cases no significant gain. People want it to skip night time- But night time is something that can be, and has been, made into a significant gameplay affecting thing- Night time existing is more valuable to the gameloop than sleeping through the night. It impresses a time crunch that you need to get things done before night fall; To have plans for what to do over night if you're going to hide away, etc...Sleep is just sleep, go back to base and click a button.