over 1 year
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Scrap time for every item is based on the total numerical material gained from scrapping it. Iirc it's 0.75 or 1.0 second per material gained? Might've changed, been awhile.
So, For your gun, It returns..what, 3 weapon parts? So the scrap time is 2.25-3 seconds.
For a brass item that gives 250 brass, it's 187.5-250 seconds.
It CAN be changed by either increasing the material return or increasing the time per material gained- But, in the first case that'd make any gun you find worth megabucks because you can scrap it and get a hundred gun parts.. In the latter case, in order to not have your gun scrap in a few seconds you make most things that you DO want to scrap take WAY WAY WAY longer to scrap.
Like, You multiply scrap time by 5 so your guns take 15-20 seconds to scrap, ample time to notice? Now your brass items take 20+ minutes Per Individual Item In the Stack. Imagine like 2-3 hours for a stack of brass radiators. Eesh.
Of note, You can't scrap weapons/tools/armor that have a weapon mod installed on them (the cosmetic color one isn't counted for this); So, always put a weapon mod on anything you want to keep, even if the weapon mod isn't particularly beneficial in the moment.
And with that said, Probably you're never going to make this mistake again- It's something that only needs to happen once, in most cases. You'll never forget.
So, For your gun, It returns..what, 3 weapon parts? So the scrap time is 2.25-3 seconds.
For a brass item that gives 250 brass, it's 187.5-250 seconds.
It CAN be changed by either increasing the material return or increasing the time per material gained- But, in the first case that'd make any gun you find worth megabucks because you can scrap it and get a hundred gun parts.. In the latter case, in order to not have your gun scrap in a few seconds you make most things that you DO want to scrap take WAY WAY WAY longer to scrap.
Like, You multiply scrap time by 5 so your guns take 15-20 seconds to scrap, ample time to notice? Now your brass items take 20+ minutes Per Individual Item In the Stack. Imagine like 2-3 hours for a stack of brass radiators. Eesh.
Of note, You can't scrap weapons/tools/armor that have a weapon mod installed on them (the cosmetic color one isn't counted for this); So, always put a weapon mod on anything you want to keep, even if the weapon mod isn't particularly beneficial in the moment.
And with that said, Probably you're never going to make this mistake again- It's something that only needs to happen once, in most cases. You'll never forget.