over 1 year
ago -
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Game is CPU bound, and that is your really weak link. On an older Ryzen like that, you will have good luck disabling EAC and limiting the game to only four physical cores. You'll also want to set your resolution lower to like 720p. Higher resolution will require a better CPU.
If you plan to upgrade, I would recommend at least mid-high range 3rd-gen Ryzen or better. I was getting nice FPS with my R9 3900X and just a 1060 6GB. Also don't skimp on the motherboard. Stay away from the bottom-end B-series.
Also sharing these links, as they contain some useful information.
System comparison
System comparison
Get the Bad Window Replacement mod[www.nexusmods.com] on nexus to help FPS a lot in the cities.
Some more helpful info on optimizing 7d2d for performance;
---------** FPS / Performance tips
If you plan to upgrade, I would recommend at least mid-high range 3rd-gen Ryzen or better. I was getting nice FPS with my R9 3900X and just a 1060 6GB. Also don't skimp on the motherboard. Stay away from the bottom-end B-series.
Also sharing these links, as they contain some useful information.
System comparison
System comparison
Get the Bad Window Replacement mod[www.nexusmods.com] on nexus to help FPS a lot in the cities.
Some more helpful info on optimizing 7d2d for performance;
---------** FPS / Performance tips