over 2 years
ago -
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There is indeed a mechanism to keep you from getting into it before it opens. And that mechanism is that, should a player approach too close, it will them to a random point around the border of the trader a block or two back from the border that teleports them.
If you attempt to approach the trader while it's closed, and it happens to teleport you to almost the exact same spot several times in a row, it could seem very much like it is rubberbanding. But it's just TPing you back a few blocks.
The border for teleporting is several blocks away from the trader wall, to prevent people from finding cheeky ways to get over the wall via vehicles or other methods.
If you attempt to approach the trader while it's closed, and it happens to teleport you to almost the exact same spot several times in a row, it could seem very much like it is rubberbanding. But it's just TPing you back a few blocks.
The border for teleporting is several blocks away from the trader wall, to prevent people from finding cheeky ways to get over the wall via vehicles or other methods.