over 1 year
ago -
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Opting into the unstable experimental build is for bug testing.
In a couple of days when a new update comes out, you are expected to wipe and start a new save.
If you don't, you are likely going to have bugs and save corruption.
This will be the case until the build goes stable. Because otherwise you are not able to properly report bugs.
Once Stable releases, you can start a new save, and it will be good until probably a22, but that isn't guaranteed. Changes in a21.2 may require a reset. It's happened before.
And that is basically how things work in Alpha development. Steam misuses the Beta terminology.
In a couple of days when a new update comes out, you are expected to wipe and start a new save.
If you don't, you are likely going to have bugs and save corruption.
This will be the case until the build goes stable. Because otherwise you are not able to properly report bugs.
Once Stable releases, you can start a new save, and it will be good until probably a22, but that isn't guaranteed. Changes in a21.2 may require a reset. It's happened before.
And that is basically how things work in Alpha development. Steam misuses the Beta terminology.