over 2 years
ago -
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I tend to spread my points pretty evenly across all trees, and often specialize in one specific tree to the exclusion of others for fun. Everyone treats the game like a sprint- But it's really not. You can take a marathon approach and be just fine.
In fact, The faster you run, the faster the game gets harder- And going down STR/INT puts you into basically the fastest exp gain bracket; You'll rapidly gain exp from harvesting materials, rapidly gain exp from building, rapidly gain exp from doing quests, you'll have vehicles quickly so you cut down travel times and get more things done in less overall time, etc, etc, etc..
Never really felt like I was gimping myself, The other skill trees are perfectly capable of handling the game on their own- They just take different playstyles and approaches.
AGI/PER/FORT are all fairly well balanced against the game- STR and INT are just too strong in comparison... But STR/INT is also a lot like using a 50 caliber rifle to hunt squirrels, it's total overkill.
In fact, The faster you run, the faster the game gets harder- And going down STR/INT puts you into basically the fastest exp gain bracket; You'll rapidly gain exp from harvesting materials, rapidly gain exp from building, rapidly gain exp from doing quests, you'll have vehicles quickly so you cut down travel times and get more things done in less overall time, etc, etc, etc..
Never really felt like I was gimping myself, The other skill trees are perfectly capable of handling the game on their own- They just take different playstyles and approaches.
AGI/PER/FORT are all fairly well balanced against the game- STR and INT are just too strong in comparison... But STR/INT is also a lot like using a 50 caliber rifle to hunt squirrels, it's total overkill.