almost 2 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Loot is being re-balanced. It's not being nerfed.

Also, as DthBlayde stated, Loot Abundance only affects stack size. If you set it at 80%, that is a 20% chance of getting nothing instead of a single item. Only affects items that stack.
almost 2 years ago - OzHawkeye - Direct link
Originally posted by Dreadstone: They don't do that now. I can have T- 6: Sniper Rifle, Auto-Shotgun (AA-12), Pump Shotgun and Crossbow. A T-5 AK (Because I have NEVER, EVER seen a T-6 AK).......

What is that chucklehead selling? T 1-4 crap, and MAYBE a T-6 pipe machine gun.

I have found the only thing that "secret stash" (or whatever it's called) does is show me the Solar Energy panels.

Don't get me started on quest rewards.

thestile was referring to A21, where loot will tend to favour whatever skill tree you've specced into (and there's also no secret stash in traders).
almost 2 years ago - OzHawkeye - Direct link
Originally posted by Shockwave: I'd welcome a loot reduction of stackables in relation to equipment. I feel like when I lower the loot abundance it reduces guns and amor and singles more than it reduces stackables like ammo and other things and it also makes finding food in the early game very difficult.

i think it needs a re balance that simply lowering the loot abundance doesn't address.

I agree with you there. The system could do with some further work I reckon.