Original Post — Direct link
I just feel like this needs to be said, but I've heard that there may be a Battle Pass introduced into the new iteration of the AC series. I hope this isn't the case because I know myself and many others would be against it, especially when we've paid 60+ dollars on a game that shouldn't be treated like a GAAS thing. I like playing my games at my own pace and not being pressured into going off into an area, or doing something I may not be ready to do at that moment. This is a single player game and should be treated as such.
over 4 years ago - Black_Widow9 - Direct link
Hi MetalHead367,

We have a Season Pass available for Assassin's Creed Valhalla and extra content but not a Battle Pass. If you're interested in the seeing what Post-Launch content we have coming, please take a look here.

If you have any other questions, please let us know.
