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If any of the earliest Albion players could offer some insight, it'd be much appreciated! Or perhaps players who play in the newest servers. I just want to understand how prices of things now, are decided

Did SBI have a hand in setting the prices of items at all, or was it 100% determined by players from the launch?

Like with Pork Omelettes and the gold-to-silver exchange rate considered, were they worth (3,500-4,000 silver in US) relatively the same today, as they were back in launch?

Was it like in day 1 of launch, some bloke arbitrarily decided to set Pork Omlettes to 1,000 silver, and then it gradually increased to the price of 3,500-4,000 silver today?

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about 1 month ago - /u/HellementsAO - Direct link

On EU launch last year it was actually opposite of what you thought. The first Pork Omelettes were listed for around 50k and then settled around 20k for a few weeks. Now, about 9 months later they are going for 4-5k which is deemed normal.

The high price was mainly due to low supply of farmed goods and the fact that only few people had enough island farms to get to high levels quickly. As more people had leveled islands and also people got spec on food to effciently use focus the prices went down.