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Newish player interested in eeking out a few extra return % and potentially lower fees for large crafting batches. Some of the crafting stations near portals you can get to with no risk of getting ganked, but I don't know if there is a way people can attack you inside the hideout or if there are any other risks i should be aware of as long as i wait for the protection bubble buff to be available.

Basically, are there any risks in doing this before i lose like 30M silver because someone ganks me inside one of them?

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6 months ago - /u/HellementsAO - Direct link

Originally posted by Lucasasecassecas

Do public hideouts, like normal hideouts, allow you to travel directly to them from the cities once you have entered them for the first time?

No you can no longer set home in a hideout that doesn‘t belong to your guild or alliance so you won‘t be able to fast travel there either.