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Basically, I started AO about a week prior to EU opening. I bought some skins, premium on US, then Founders on EU, let US premium just run out without using it. I played on EU. Around a week /played over the past four weeks, and almost all of it spent muted over two comments I made in EN chat.

On EU, EN chat is dominated by very few individuals, who, daily, do graphic ERP involving age play and what, to me, is blatant pedophilia. When, as a joke, I told "Mistress" that I was a 12 year old in Germany, this guy spammed me with whispers asking for my exact location, and suggesting he could be there in few hours. If you play on EU, and read EN at all, you know what I am talking about.

My response was to discuss that openly on EN, and I got 7 day ban for "hate speech". I did not actually say anything hateful, I merely quoted definitions from DSM3 which was used to diagnose mental illnesses in USA/Canada until about 20 years ago.

When my ban ended, I spoke to someone else, about these people, and got 14 day ban, which is currently on me. I contaced customer support several times. I always communicate solely with "Rio", who people tell me has been there since 2017.

So, I asked for refund on my founders and offered to just leave game. It is obvious that Rio is supportive of what is going on, and in all honesty I am not able to watch pedophilia and grooming and say nothing. So only obvious solution is to remove myself.

But, Founders was not cheap, I got months after months of it left, and I do not want to just lose both game and money.

So, I would like some semblance of reasonable solution. I do like the game itself. But it is boring to just run around doing my multiple islands and then not be able to communicate in Faction, Party, Trade. Even Guild if I used it is blocked. Seems like severe overkill. So as Rio not only is not willing to remove my mute but is quoting me how basically next mute is 30 days, and I am not delusional about my inability to just watch pedophile chat and say nothing, I think best solution is for SBI to be fair about this and just give me my money back, and I'll leave.

Nothing in my account is "spent". I have several 6/6 islands, including a personal guild island and value of what I have is sufficient to quite literally be infinite premium at few hours a day in game. So its not like I "spent" something they gave me and that they are losing anything.

Also, last night I opened case with my cc bank for a chargeback, but I'd really prefer if this can be done without a chargeback. It is a hassle on both ends.

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26 days ago - /u/AOChristoph - Direct link


If you encounter anything that would be considered grooming or pedophilia, definitely report it via the report function or to support. We don't tolerate that stuff.

... that things are being done is evident by the fact that your homophobic and racist comments in the public channels earned you a timeout (cf. this reddit thread). Maybe do a bit of introspection during your timeout, and then consider whether this is really the type of person you want to be. And if the answer is yes, whether it's actually a smart idea to spout that around in public chat channels.

Also: no, there won't be refunds because you can't behave in the game and get sanctioned, no matter who deals with your ticket.

Good day.