over 1 year
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Hello everyone,
Today we've introduced a Purchase Fee of 30% when buying Gold from the Gold market (but not when buying Premium for Gold or Silver).
Since this may seem like a drastic measure to some of you, I want to explain our goals in this post.
Over the last months, many of you have expressed concerns about the rising price of Gold, as it makes it difficult to earn Premium as a free player.
Since our goal has always been to keep Premium for Silver affordable, we've spent a lot of time analyzing the reasons for the constant rise of Gold prices on the market.
We've noticed that most of the price increase seems to be based on speculation - players investing their silver in Gold in hopes of rising prices, which drives the price of Gold beyond its real value.
With the Purchase Fee, we want to slow down this price increase and move the Gold price back towards reflecting its value in premium.
We're looking forward to seeing the impact of this speculation fee on the Gold markets on East and West and will, of course, make adjustments based on our observations as necessary.
Robin 'Eltharyon' Henkys
PS.: Remember that Premium-for-Silver purchases will still buy Gold from sell orders without paying tax, and this price point could be significantly above the gold buy order level (as buyers now have to consider the Purchase Fee). Therefore: consider selling your Gold using sell orders rather than direct sales!
Today we've introduced a Purchase Fee of 30% when buying Gold from the Gold market (but not when buying Premium for Gold or Silver).
Since this may seem like a drastic measure to some of you, I want to explain our goals in this post.
Over the last months, many of you have expressed concerns about the rising price of Gold, as it makes it difficult to earn Premium as a free player.
Since our goal has always been to keep Premium for Silver affordable, we've spent a lot of time analyzing the reasons for the constant rise of Gold prices on the market.
We've noticed that most of the price increase seems to be based on speculation - players investing their silver in Gold in hopes of rising prices, which drives the price of Gold beyond its real value.
With the Purchase Fee, we want to slow down this price increase and move the Gold price back towards reflecting its value in premium.
We're looking forward to seeing the impact of this speculation fee on the Gold markets on East and West and will, of course, make adjustments based on our observations as necessary.
Robin 'Eltharyon' Henkys
PS.: Remember that Premium-for-Silver purchases will still buy Gold from sell orders without paying tax, and this price point could be significantly above the gold buy order level (as buyers now have to consider the Purchase Fee). Therefore: consider selling your Gold using sell orders rather than direct sales!