First this is a warning post for those who gonna purchase premium via mobile appstore on this Feb.
I purchased 1 month premium ingame shop via IOS appstore and note in mind that this Feb have 28 days (Yes i known it a bad idea not to buy it directly on the official website. My visa not available)
Then i noticed my premium status only have 28 days remain, so i ask SBI support and their response as below picture.
The premium status window show clearly "one month equals 30 days"
The shop page show 30 days also
And yet there is no warning about it would be 28 days for mobile appstore purchase.
I'm not here to complain, it is what it is. But i'm here to warning you of another reason NOT TO BUY ANYTHING VIA MOBILE APPSTORE PURCHASE, DO IT ON THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE INSTEAD.
Edit: Here my picture of the mobile store.
Clearly said 1 month not subribe for current month
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